VANA By the Numbers

Here’s a quick look by the numbers at some of the action VANA members have been up to this year:

  • VANA is social! Throughout 2023, VANA social media content has been seen more than 135,000 times with more than 12,600 engagements taking place. What’s an engagement? People sharing, liking, commenting or clicking on a VANA social media post. Keep up with VANA social on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn, and Twitter!
  • Year to date, 323 VANA members sent nearly 900 letters to their Delegates and Senators, most recently to thank legislators for meeting with VANA leaders to learn about CRNAs and the need for policy change in Virginia to advance our profession. Other letters focused on the need to remove supervision and to stop AA legislation. Great work, VANA members!
  • The Virginia CRNA PAC is engaging in a Mega-Match campaign where every $1 dollar donated will be matched up to $50,000! And that includes GEM donations being equally matched for the entire year! You can help the PAC today by clicking here to donate!

Mission Tomorrow, hosted at the Richmond Raceway complex by the Chamber RVA in partnership with Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, will be taking place this October 10-12. The event will host over 100 area businesses while over 12,000 area eighth graders explore potential future careers. VANAs own Nancy Harrison will be on site with volunteers encouraging students to consider a future in the healthcare industry. Interested in volunteering or learning more? Email [email protected] for more information or to sign up.

Do you have a number we should highlight in the newsletter? Contact Sarah Lazcano at [email protected].

News, Summer 2023 VANA Newsletter