Rural Health Day A Reminder of the Essential Work of CRNAs in Rural Communities
Note: This letter was published in The Virginian-Pilot.
By Jessica Ray, DNP, CRNA
During November, when our nation honors the community-minded focus of healthcare in rural America, the Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists recognizes the unique healthcare challenges that rural communities face and applauds the work of healthcare workers, including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), who strive to keep rural communities healthy.
Rural settings often have less of everything when it comes to health care—fewer providers, nurses, and resources. Rural residents have lower access to healthcare due to challenges such as transportation and distance barriers, fewer healthcare providers, hospitals, and other health delivery resources. Many rural facilities in Virginia rely exclusively on the anesthesia services of CRNAs. I have seen how much nurses can do when we remove burdensome regulations and allow them to reach the full potential of their education and scope of practice.
Removing practice barriers for CRNAs would allow them to provide more comprehensive healthcare services to patients nationwide. Isn’t it time for CRNAs across the country to be given the same respect and consideration as their advanced practice colleagues?
Visit ICAN action alert for more information about the ICAN Act and to urge your representative to support this legislation.
Jessica Ray, DNP, CRNA is the president-elect of the Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists.