Outrageous sneak attack: AA budget amendment in the works

They’re trying to pull a fast one. We just learned that a budget amendment was added to Senate Bill 800 that instructs the Board of Medicine to develop preliminary criteria for licensure of AAs by Dec. 1, 2023.

VANA’s leadership team is meeting to discuss next steps. We will be providing an update shortly on what our response will be. In the meantime, we need VANA members to get ready to help us act fast and quickly. Please start spreading the word about this AA budget gimmick to your colleagues and friends.

One thing you can do right now that is helpful is to donate to VANA’s PAC. The mission of VANA PAC is to educate and inform elected leaders, as well as the public at large, about the laws and policies that affect how we as CRNAs effectively provide care to our patients in Virginia. Your contribution helps elevate our profession across the Commonwealth and engage in these types of legislative battles. Please click here to contribute to VANA’s PAC.

We will be sending another update soon with our action plan and next steps. So stay tuned to your email, and our social media accounts – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter – for more updates. We need an army of VANA members to act in the coming days. Your voices have been critical this past month in helping us elevate CRNAs in the Capitol!

News, Winter 2023 VANA Newsletter