District 5 News
By Nickie Damico, [email protected]
This will be my last entry in the newsletter as District 5 Director. It has been an honor to serve as your representative. Thank you to all who have devoted time and energy to support me and VANA District 5 over the past 2 years. When I transitioned into this role in 2020, we had no idea of the impact the pandemic would have on our operations. It is hard to believe that it has taken nearly all of that time to (nearly) fully shift back to face-to-face activities and events.
Turning the page to our bright future, we will soon welcome the new District 5 Director, Chris Simons, as he begins his term in the role. We’ll also be kicking off the planning phase for the return of the in-person Mission Tomorrow event. This phenomenal career development event will again host thousands of 8th grade students from across the state at the Richmond Raceway Complex. VANA will again sponsor a booth to showcase some of the really cool stuff we do as CRNAs and provide the participants with information about the path to becoming a nurse anesthetist. Many volunteers will be needed to make the event a success, so mark your calendars for October 26 & 27 and contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in assisting with this event in any capacity.
VANA Booth at the 2019 Mission Tomorrow event. Photo credit: Lukeythia Bastardi