Legislator Interview: Senator Emily Jordan

The VANA Communications Committee was excited to hear from State Senator Emily Jordan. Virginia legislators are critical for accomplishing VANA’s legislative goals and it’s important that we engage in ongoing conversations, community events, and meetings to share our stories. Continue reading to learn more about Senator Jordan’s background and experience supporting nurse anesthetists and health care professionals.

  1. Tell us about yourself, the district you serve, and your history as a legislator.
    My name is Emily Jordan, I serve as a State Senator in Virginia. I was first elected to the Senate in November 2023 but spent 6 prior years of service in the Virginia House of Delegates. My area of representation is Southside Virginia and the Hampton Roads region.

  2. What called you to public service?
    I grew up where I represent and frankly wanted to become proactive on creating a community with intention to shape our area into a place where we could raise the future generation here. Many that I graduated with left for different opportunities and never returned home. That is a symptom of a larger issue. I have made workforce development and skilled trades to fill the workforce shortages we have part of my main mission.

  3. What committees do you serve on?
    I currently serve on Courts of Justice, Rehabilitation & Social Services and General Laws & Technology.

  4. What do you consider to be your biggest legislative accomplishment?
    Two years ago, I passed legislation to add new cancers for coverage for firefighters that are diagnosed with certain types of cancers. We know that they risk their lives daily with exposure to toxins and chemicals and passing this legislation was a huge help for those families that were going through cancer diagnoses as a direct result of their call to service.

  5. What are the most pressing issues facing Virginia’s medical professionals right now?
    Any legislation of note that you would like to highlight on this front? I think the most difficult issue from what I consider my perspective is the staffing shortage concern. Quality care starts with the ability to facilitate it.

  6. What advice do you have for VANA members on getting involved in the General Assembly?
    What are the most effective ways to communicate with our legislators? Email your legislators personally and ask to go visit on the issues that matter to you the most! In the General Assembly we received thousands of emails, often many automated or spam like. There is no substitute for an in person meeting to convey your position.

  7. What can Virginia CRNAs do to support other health profession issues that are important to you?
    I think each year new challenges arise. Keeping consistent tabs on the committees that are relevant to your workspace are key. I say that the General Assembly is as good as the input we receive. Oftentimes we must go back and do language or legislative wording fixes to get at the intention of different groups because we do not receive enough perspective. More information is always better! 

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