9 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Originally from Health.com


Occasionally feeling anxious or worried can be considered a normal response to a stressful situation.1 But for the roughly 30% of U.S. adults who have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, these anxious feelings are amplified to the point of being excessive, persistent, and an interference with everyday life.2 That includes physical symptoms of anxiety, like sweating, rapid heartbeat, or shortness of breath.3

The underlying causes of anxiety disorders are complex and likely stem from a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.4 So while developing an anxiety disorder isn’t necessarily preventable, there are coping strategies you can implement and professional help you can seek to try to manage the anxiety in your everyday life.

Coping Skills for Anxiety

Certain lifestyle changes or mindfulness techniques can help manage anxiety. Luckily, there are a variety of research-backed tips you can integrate to help calm anxiety in your everyday life.5

Be Active

Getting regular exercise not only helps support your overall health, but it’s also been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety attacks. Even just one exercise session may be helpful (at least temporarily).67

Data show that 15 minutes daily of an activity like walking, bicycling, or swimming can start to provide short-term anxiety symptom relief.89 For more substantial, longer-term benefits, make your exercise routine consistent. This could mean at least two hours per week of a moderate-intensity activity, like speed walking.10 It could also mean having a regular mindful movement practice like yoga, which is believed to have anti-anxiety effects.11

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