9 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety
Originally from Health.com Occasionally feeling anxious or worried can be considered a normal response to a stressful situation.1 But for the roughly 30% of U.S. adults who have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, these anxious feelings are amplified to the point of being excessive, persistent, [...]
Preventing nurse suicide: Nursing school and beyond
Article from MyAmericanNurse.com September 8, 2023 By: Sharon Tucker, PhD, APRN-CNS, NC-BC, EBP-C, FNAP, FAAN, Holly Carpenter, BSN, RN, and Anna Mujic, BSN, RN Strategies and support to improve mental health outcomes Suicide and mental illness have long been stigmatized, and although public awareness has grown recently, partially due to [...]
Stress Management Video Tools
Here are some stress links to stress management tools VANA can use to prepare for the recertification boards: Free: https://healthyvisions.net/product/my-healthy-affirmations-app/ To purchase: https://healthyvisions.net/health-and-wellness/ Free on Ron Eslinger YouTube meditation relaxation: Sleep using theta mixed with Alpha frequencies: https://healthyvisions.net/health-and-wellness/ 528 Frequency for relaxation for stress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWkvEAEi44w Breathing for relaxation: [...]
17 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better This Year
From TheBestColleges.com: https://www.thebestcolleges.org/17-scientifically-proven-ways-to-study-better-this-year/ For better or worse, studying is part of college life. It is also a technique that requires patience, practice, and trial and error. As you think about studying methods that are right for you, consider the tips below. You might find techniques that will help you get [...]
25 Tricks to Study Faster and More Effectively
Article from StudyPug.com: https://www.studypug.com/blog/how-to-study-faster/ There’s an upcoming test tomorrow so you settle down your thinking chair, a mug of coffee as you plan to pull an all-nighter. So you carefully get your book, and turn it the coverage of the exam and you read the first few lines. After a [...]
20 Effective Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before an Exam
College-level study naturally brings with it some degree of stress and nervousness. Stress and nervousness, especially, seem to go hand in hand with academic exams. While some stress and a “slight case of nerves” will likely always be a part of any test taker’s experience, being overly nervous can affect [...]
Test Anxiety Tips: 10 Strategies for Before and During the Test
From PsychCentral.com: https://psychcentral.com/anxiety/overcoming-test-anxiety If you live with performance anxiety, taking a test can be overwhelming. But test anxiety can be managed and these tips may help. Test anxiety is a common form of performance anxiety, which can create stress, fear, and overwhelm before or while taking an academic or job [...]
Best Studying Tips of All Time
Article from Cappex.com: https://www.cappex.com/articles/academics/top-10-study-tips Exams can cause tremendous stress. Not knowing what to expect and how you'll end up doing can be nerve-wracking. But have no fear! After learning these study tips and tricks, you will feel ready to take on anything. Practice them, and you'll be prepared to tackle [...]
Spring Boards Questions
A patient with diabetic nephropathy is undergoing a radiologic procedure with radiocontrast dye under general anesthesia. What actions by the anesthesia provider will limit the renal effects of the dye? Administration of ketorolac (Toradol) Pre-hydration with IV fluids Pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine Use of hypotensive technique During the luteal phase of [...]